Primeleads revolutionizes customer communication and takes your online business to a new level! Our innovative tool delivers tailored content for a personalized user experience, helping you stand out from the competition.
In a time when products are becoming increasingly high-quality and online offerings are becoming easier to use, there is one key way to differentiate yourself from the competition: unique customer communication. Primeleads makes this possible - a tool that not only allows you to immediately identify potential users who could be part of your customer base, but also enables personalized communication and the delivery of precisely tailored, relevant content, making your website visitors feel personally addressed and well taken care of.
Information and Analysis

Information and Analysis
Primeleads identifies whether users accessing the site are from a company network based on their IP address. The IPs can be identified based on the provider, allowing for inferences about the company and industry. Pre-configured content adjustments are mapped and displayed for the corresponding companies and industries. Users are presented with relevant content based on their context. For example, a software service provider would display content about fintech projects to an employee of a bank, while an employee of an insurance company would see references to insurance projects. In the marketing dashboard, you can track the behavior of your website visitors and see who visited your site, when, and for how long, as well as which subpages they found interesting. The analysis reveals which companies are likely to become customers and allows for targeted content delivery and information through the Dynamic Content feature. The results are impressive: Many of your website visitors convert into customers.

Simple, Individual, and GDPR-Compliant
The customization of your website is achieved through fully automated content adjustments using selected texts. By delivering tailored content to each visitor, you create more relevance for your company among the target audience. Primeleads can be easily integrated into existing systems and is usable with just a few clicks. By defining your own criteria, you can customize the marketing dashboard for your specific needs. Despite the data collection and analysis, the tool is 100% GDPR-compliant: It only captures sessions in which visitors from corporate networks access your website. Private and personally identifiable data is never collected.
Our location
KöpenickerAufgang 1
10179 Berlin