Sphaira Medical
Revolutionary technology for secure, germ-free patient transports. Discover the innovations that set new standards, reduce operating costs, while providing emotional support and autonomy.
Sphaira Medical
In cases where germ-free isolation protection must be provided for patients or their environment, transporting the individuals has been associated with high effort. Most options have completely isolated the individuals being transported from their environment, which has affected both the patients and the caregivers. Sphaira Medical is changing this using AI: with MOBY, the fully autonomous vehicle that enables germ-free isolation-protected transports without isolating patients from human contact. We are inspired by the mission of the Sphaira Medical team and are excited to be an investor on board.

The fully autonomous vehicle is designed for simple transport within a clinic. HEPA filters clean the air inside the transparent hood. The vehicle uses sensors to navigate and avoid obstacles. The AI has been specifically trained for autonomous navigation in hospitals, which is very different from conventional autonomous navigation. MOBY A1 is easy and intuitive to use via an app that seamlessly integrates into hospital systems and infrastructure. The small vehicle prevents cross-contamination and eliminates injuries during transport. Additionally, the mobile unit significantly reduces operating costs and patient transport costs.

This model is specifically designed for high-risk cases and meets all requirements for positive/negative pressure environments. It improves outcomes in critical situations by providing not only safe transportation but also emotional support for the occupant: Modular access allows for the installation of reversible gloves or device modules such as patient monitors, enabling direct contact with the occupants. As medical isolation increases treatment costs by 23% and extends them by 17%, MOBY P1 can make a noticeable contribution to the well-being of the individuals while reducing billing amounts. Thanks to the active and passive functioning electric motor, the patients can even drive themselves if needed, giving them a sense of autonomy.
Our location
KöpenickerAufgang 1
10179 Berlin